Globally, shopping malls trends have been changing from open precinct tolargershopping malls. This transition is heading towards a more enclosed and air conditionedenvironment as compared to the older forms of shopping centres such as arcadeandplazas, which were designed opened. Shopping malls in Nigeria are therefore evolvinginto high consumption area of electricity, as a result of reclusive design approachduetominimum or no use of natural ventilation. The aim of this thesis is to investigatethepassive design strategies used to achieve passive cooling in shopping malls. Theobjectives assessed the existing shopping malls and evaluate the passive coolingdesignmeasures used to reduce the effect of excessive heat aside the use of energy consumingdevices. A descriptive survey method was adopted with the use of an observationschedule where selected samples within the study area were examined to determinethefrequency of use and effectiveness of passive cooling design strategies usedinthesamples. Findings from the samples were analysed and interpreted to showif the designstrategies are appropriately incorporated to serve the purpose of achievingthermal comfort or are rather used for aesthetics. Findings shows the frequencyof theparameters used in the course of the study and it is finally observed fromthe selectedsamples that shopping malls in Nigeria are mostly dependent on active coolingsystemrather than the passive cooling strategy. Also, the result shows that most of the facilitiesadopt the use of courtyard to enhance air circulations within the building thanotherforms of central openings like atrium and skylights, courtyard were used in about 40%of the samples while the 3 other forms of large openings shared the remaining60%from the samples taken. However the highest number of the respondent attest tothefact that they are mostly affected by thermal discomfort in the afternoon than other timeofthe day these respondents’ population amounts to approximately 73%of the samplepopulation. The findings reveal that a very high proportion of the sampled shoppingmalls depend mostly on the use of mechanical devices such as fans and air conditionersto enhance cooling in its indoor environment. Lastly, It is worthy of note that this thesisemphasized on the design strategies to reduce dependency of artificial meansofenhancing passive cooling. These can be achieved through proper building orientation, adequate planting and installation of green landscape elements, effective use andproperpositioning of shading devices and careful selection of building material that allow for proper thermal insulation
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